about the company
Direction of activity of the enterprise JSC "Malorita canning and vegetable drying plant" is a part of the Belarusian state food industry concern "Belgospischeprom" www.bgp.by The main activities of the plant are:
  • complex processing of vegetables and fruit with fillers and additives in fruit and vegetable preserves and their delivery on requests of the trade organizations and on the basis of direct contracts with other consumers;
  • use of production capacities for production of canned food, including canned food for children for sale in the consumer market and to other buyers and organizations;
  • carrying out foreign economic activity on the basis of contracts;
  • provision of services on the processing of toll and other raw materials, storage and distribution of products on the basis of bilateral agreements.
JSC "Malorita canning and vegetable drying plant" has a legendary history. The first production lot rolled off the production line in 1955, but in the 1970s a large-scale modernization of the canning shop was carried out, and all obsolete equipment was replaced. The canning plant managed to broaden its range of products and started to produce juices.

In 2005, the drying compartment was modernized: new imported equipment was installed, the latest technologies were introduced. As a result, a modern shop for the production of canned food for children was opened. The new equipment allows making products of high quality, and soft technologies fully preserve vitamins and minerals of raw products.

Technical re-equipment of the plant continues. In 2009, a new vegetable processing line was installed in the canning shop, a replacement of the fruit and berry preparation line was made in the aseptic canning shop and a new belt press was installed.

In 2010, a boiling station was completely replaced in the canning shop and storage tanks for semi- finished juices were replaced in the aseptic canning shop.

The canning plant has three shops: a canning shop, a baby food shop and an aseptic canning shop. More than 180 products are being produced today; 130 of them are juices, nectars and purees for children under the trademark "Toptyshka".

First, the plant established the production of juices and purees with lactulose, cream, yogurt and juices and purees enriched with vitamins.

In January 1, 2011 the plant switched to the production of canned baby food in compliance with the European Union standards: STB 2050-2010, STB 2051-2010, STB 2052-2010, requirements for quality and safety indicators of which are harmonized with international standards. In connection with the transition to new documents, a new group of canned food, called "nectars," also appeared.

In 2011, the production of juices and purees with the addition of fructose in 15 new positions was implemented. Such products had not been produced in Belarus before.

In 2015, JSC "Malorita canning and vegetable drying plant" started the production of baby food in modern flexible packaging of combined materials. These packages had already taken their place in the Western European and Russian markets as they provided an alternative to traditional types of packaging.

С сентября 2005 г. на предприятии действует система управления качеством и безопасностью на основе принципов НАССР. В 2008 г. внедрена система менеджмента качества ИСО 9001
На предприятии действует строгий контроль качества на всех этапах производства, осуществ- ляемый аккредитованной лабораторией. Полуфабрикаты и вспомогательные материалы сопровождаются качественными удостоверениями, УГГР, сертификатами соответствия.
Экологически чистые фрукты, овощи и ягоды поставляют хозяйства Малоритского, Брестского, Кобринского, Пружанского, Каменецкого, Пинского районов.
Производственная мощность позволяет выпускать около 10,0 миллионов условных банок в год (муб), в том числе, и консервов для детского питания – 8,5 муб в год.

In November 2009, the quality management system was certified with the expansion of the QMS area for compliance with the requirements of STB ISO 9001-2009. Since 2006, the company has been taking part in the “Best products of the Republic of Belarus” competition, and its products annually become award winners in the category "Food products".

The plant regularly presents its products at national specialized exhibitions, as well as at international ones: PeterFood (St. Petersburg), Prodexpo (Moscow). In 2013, the enterprise was awarded the Prize of the Brest regional Executive Committee for achievements in the field of quality. In 2017, the plant's products became best at the "Crystal Apple" competition in the category “Baby food”. As part of this competition, the company was awarded a special prize "Big crystal Apple" for consistently high quality of its products. For 10 years in a row the plant became the Grand Prix winner and its products took the first price 11 times in various nominations.

JSC "Malorita cannery and vegetable drying plant" sells products for export: to Russia, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Baltic states, Poland and China. At the same time, the company shows no sign of letting up, constantly expanding the geography of supplies, which means that the number of countries and cities familiar with tasty and healthy products under the brand name "Toptyshka" will grow.

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